Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
929.11 Preservation Sagraves |
A Preservation guide: saving the past and the present for the future |
Sagraves, Barbara |
941.5/War |
A Primer for Irish Genealogical Research |
Ward, William R. |
977.435/A/Nenadic |
A Purse of Her Own Occupations of Women in the Nineteenth Century |
Nenadic, Susan L. |
929.2/Patton/Munday |
A record of the family of John Patton the 1900 edition updated to the present time |
Munday, H.A. |
974.7/A/Hunt |
A Research Guide for the New York 1910 Federal Census. |
Hunt, Ann comp. |
974.4/Suffolk/Boston/Lainhart |
A researcher's guide to Boston |
Lainhart, Ann S. |
977.435/Lincoln School/Flower |
A scrapbook history of Lincoln consolidated (the building) 1924-1961 |
Flower, David S. |
942/Nor |
A Selection of Revised and Unpublished Norfolk Pedigrees |
Palgrave-Moore, Patrick, comp. |
975.2/Bal |
A Series Summary Guide to the Public Records of Baltimore City |
Vanorney, Patricia M. |
941.5/A/Clare |
A simple guide to Irish genealogy |
Clare, Rev. Wallace F.I.G.R.S. |
941.5/Cl |
A simple guide to Irish genealogy; first compiled by the Rev. Wallace Clare. 3rd. ed., revised by Rosemary Folliott |
Clare, Wallace |
943 A Robl |
A student's guide to German American genealogy |
Robl, Gregory |
950/Japan/Yamaguchi |
A Student's Guide to Japanese American Genealogy. |
Yamaguchi, Yoji |
975.5 A Schreiner-Yantis |
A Supplement to the 1810 Census of Virginia. The Tax Lists of the Counties for Which the Census Is Missing |
Schreiner-Yantis, Netti |
929.11/Church/Kirkham |
A Survey of American Church Records |
Kirkham, E. Kay |
929.3/Kir |
A survey of American church records for the period before the Civil War, east of the Mississippi River |
Kirkham, E. Kay |
929.3/Kir/Ed. 4 |
A survey of American church records. Major and minor denominations before 1880-1890. Religious migrations of some of the major denominations. |
Kirkham, E. Kay |
Dictionaries Evans |
A to Zax A Comprehensive Dictionary for Genealogists and Historians, 3rd. ed. |
Evans, Barbara Jean |
941.5/A/Lewis/vol. 1, vol. 2 |
A topogaphical dictionary of Ireland |
Lewis, Samuel |
941.5/A/Goblet |
A topographical index of the parishes and townlands of Ireland in Sir William Petty's mss. barony maps |
Goblet, Y.M. editor |
943.8/A/Frazen |
A Translation Guide to 19th-Century Polish-Language civil-registration documents (birth, marriage and death records) |
Frazin, Judith R. Comp/Ed. |
977.431/Col |
A Twentieth Century History and Biographical Record of Branch County, Michigan |
Collin, Henry P. |
929.1 SYLLABI FGS 2000 |
A World of Records, FGS/UGA 2000, A Conference for the Nation's Genealogists, Conference Syllabus. |
Federation of Genealogical Societies and Utah Genealogical Association. |
975.7/Abbeville/Langdon |
Abbeville county marriages 1780-1879 implied in Abbeville county South Carolina equity records |
Langdon, Barbara R. |
929.11/Dictionaries/Sperry |
Abbreviations & acronyms |
Sperry, Kip. Compiler |
929.2/Pr |
Abraham--The Father of Us All--A Pratt Family History |
Pratt, Kenneth Charles |
929.3/Vir |
Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy |
Virkus, Frederick |
976.9/A/King |
Abstract of early Kentucky wills and inventories: copied from original and recorded wills and inventories |
King, J. Estelle Stewart |
977.1 Gr Washington Probate |
Abstract of Probate Records: Washington County, Ohio – Wills, Estates, Guardianships 1789-1855 |
Graham, Bernice |
975.5/Norfolk/Abstracts |
Abstracts from Norfolk city marriage bonds (1797-1850) and other genealogical data |
Tucker, George Holbert compiler |
977.435/Fir |
Abstracts from record, 1836-1857 |
First Presbyterian Church of Lodi, Washtenaw County, MI |
974.9/Morris/Brown |
Abstracts of partitions and divisions of Morris county estates filed at Morristown New Jersey 1785-1900 |
Brown, Virginia Alleman abstracter |
977.426 A Abstracts |
Abstracts of the Early Probate Records of Ingham County, Michigan 1838-1869 |
Druse, Joseph L. |
975.5/Accomack/Abstracts |
Abstracts of the wills and administrations of Accomack County, Virginia 1800-1860: (including brief abstracts of estate inventories, sales, audits and settlements from 1800 to 1828) |
Miles, Barry W. |
975.7/A/Moore |
Abstracts of the wills of the state of South Carolina 1670-1740: volume 1 |
Moore, Caroline T. and Simmons, Agatha Aimar, compilers |
975.7/A/Moore/v.3 |
Abstracts of the wills of the state of South Carolina 1760-1784: volume 3 |
Moore, Caroline T. and Simmons, Agatha Aimar, compilers |
977.438 |
Acorns to oaks |
943A/Thode |
Address book for Germanic genealogy; 4th edition |
Thode, Ernest |
929.1 Morgan |
Advanced genealogy research techniques |
Morgan, George C. and Drew Smith |
975.4 A Dorman v. 1,2,3 |
Adventurers of purse and person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5. |
Dorman, John Frederick |
976.9/Bracken/African-American/Vol. 2 |
African-American records Bracken county, Kentucky 1797-1999: volume 2 |
976.9/Bracken/African-American/Vol. 1 |
African-American records Bracken county, Kentucky 1797-1999: volume1 |
977.2/Mi |
Aids for genealogical searching in Indiana. |
Miller, Carolynne L. Wendel |
942/A/Spencer |
Air Force records for family historians |
Spencer, William |
976.1/A/England |
Alabama notes: volumes 1 and 2 |
England compiler, Flora D. |
976.1 Jackson Gandrud v.19, v. 36 |
Alabama records : Jackson County volume 19, 36 |
Gandrud, Pauline Jones |
976.1 Morgan Gandrud v. 27, v.32, v.49 |
Alabama records : Morgan County volume 27, 32, 49 |
Gandrud, Pauline Jones |
979.8/A/Bradbury |
Alaska Sources: A Guide to Historical Records and Information Resources. |
Bradbury, Connie Malcolm and David Albert Hales |
977.479/Frrett |
Alcona county, Michigan 1860 and 1870 federal census with a statistical profile of the county |
Ferrett, Robert L & Ferrett, Donald A. |
974.7 A French Index |
All name index to the Historical and Statistical Gazetteer of New York State 1860 by J.H. French and a listing of geographic names missing in the original index |