Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
942/A/Herber |
Ancestral Trails; The complete guide to British genealogy and family history |
Herber, Mark D. |
Ancestry Census Fact Sheet |
929.11/Directories/Smith |
Ancestry family historian's address book: a comprehensive list of local, state, and federal agencies and institutions, and ethnic and genealogical organizations |
Smith, Juliana Szucs |
929.11 Emigration & Immigration Ancestry |
Ancestry Immigration Fact Sheet |
974.4 A Ancestry |
Ancestry Massachusetts fact sheet |
929.11 Military Ancestry |
Ancestry Military Records Fact Sheet |
929.2/Moore/H |
Ancestry of Sharpless Moore and Rachel (Roberts) Moore... |
Haines, Blanche Moore |
929.2/Jameson/Peterson |
Ancestry of the Jameson, Gilbert, Joy, Skinner and related families |
Peterson, Bradner (comp.) |
977.1 A Ancestry |
Ancestry Ohio Fact Sheet |
929.1/Cer |
Ancestry's Guide to Research, Case Studies in American Genealogy |
Cerny, Johni and Arlene Eakle |
977.435 York Ancient |
Ancient and Modern Milan A History of the City of Milan, Michigan, and Surrounding Communities |
973.2/Feldman |
Anglo-Americans in Spanish archives: lists of Anglo-American settlers in the Spanish colonies of America |
Feldman, Lawrence H. |
977.435 Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Headlight |
Ann Arbor headlight: souvenir edition |
977.435/An |
Ann Arbor historic architecture surey |
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Historic District Commission. |
977.435 Ann Arbor Ann |
Ann Arbor newspapers chronological list and reel guide |
University of Michigan Library |
977.435/Duf |
Ann Arbor yesterdays. Line drawings by Jane Rogers. |
Duff, Lela |
977.435/AnnArbor/Bidlack |
Ann Arbor's first lady: events in the life of Ann I. Allen |
Bidlack, Russell E. |
977.435/Ann |
Ann Arbor: The Changing Scene |
Christman, Adam |
977.435 Ann Arbor Stephenson |
Ann Arbor: the first hundred years |
Stephenson, O.W. Ph.D. |
929.2/Handy/Handy |
Annals and memorials of the Handys and their kindred |
Handy, Isaac W. K. |
975.5/A/Summers vol. I |
Annals of southwest Virginia 1769-1800: volume I |
Summers, Lewis Preston |
975.5/A/Summers Vol. 2 |
Annals of southwest Virginia 1769-1800: volume II |
Summers, Lewis Preston |
977.428/A/Eding |
Anniversary book compiled newspaper clippings |
Eding, Mrs. Walter E. |
929.2 Miller Miller |
Anniversary history of John "Hannes" Miller, Sr.,: (ca 1730-1798) on the 200th anniversary of his death at his farm "Miller's Choice" in the glades near Berlin, Pennsylvania |
Miller, J. Virgil |
977.435 Ann Arbor Crandell |
Anns' amazing arbor: the growth and groans of a great university town |
Crandell, Alger Buell |
971/A |
Annual research index 1993 |
929.2/Tay/T |
Anthony Taylor of Hampton, New Hampshire: Additions |
Taylor, Harold Murdock |
929.2/Apprill/von Dammerau Gorman |
Antoine Apprill: Lampertsloch, Alsace, France, New Orleans, Louisiana; 1827-1874 |
von Dammerau Gorman, Doris Ann |
976/A |
Apalachian families: vol 1 through vol. 3 #2 |
Douthat, James L. editor |
929.11/Directories/APG |
APG directory of professional genealogists 2004-2005 |
929.1 Genealogy St |
Applied Genealogy |
Stratton, Eugene A. |
929.11/Preservation |
Archival Quality Materials |
976.7/A/Allen |
Arkansas death record index 1941-1948 |
Allen, Desmond Walls |
976.7/A/Allen |
Arkansas death record index, 1941-1948 |
Allen, Desmond Walls |
943/A/Hall/V.9 |
Atlantic bridge to Germany volume ix: Saxony/Sachsen kingdom province Thuringen/Thuringia nine duchies |
Hall, Charles M. |
973/A/Hall vol 1 |
Atlantic bridge to Germany: volume 1 Baden Wuertemberg |
Hall, Charles M. |
977.435 A Atlas |
Atlas & plat book Washtenaw county Michigan 1975, 1981-1982, 1982-1983 |
977.414/A/Atlas |
Atlas and plat book Allegan county Michigan 1974 |
977.475 A Atlas |
Atlas and plat book Ogemaw county Michigan 1977 |
977.425/A/Atlas |
Atlas and plat book Shiawassee county Michigan 1978 |
943/A/Thode |
Atlas for germanic genealogy: second, revised edition |
Thode, Ernest |
977.3/Peoria/Atlas |
Atlas map of Peoria county, Illinois: compiled, drawn & published from personal examinations & surveys |
Andreas, A. T. |
973/A/Atlas/Appalachian |
Atlas of Appalachian trails to the Ohio river |
Eldridge, Carrie |
943/A/Atlas |
Atlas of german migration and America |
Eldridge, Carrie |
973/A/Atlas/N |
Atlas of northern trails westward from New England |
Eldridge, Carrie |
973/A/Atlas/S |
Atlas of southern trails to the Mississippi |
Eldridge, Carrie |
973/A/Atlas/West |
Atlas of trails west of the Mississippi river |
Eldridge, Carrie |
977.438 Auburn Hills Auburn |
Auburn Hills death records and the Aaron Webster Cemetery, Oakland County, Michigan |
977.435/Augusta |
Augusta township scrapbook: from files of Carl & Lillian Brown, Milan, Mich |
977.426 Aurelius |
Aurelius Township Ingham County, Michigan Index of Vital Records |