The GSWC Library

Access to GSWC Library Holdings
  • Please view the library catalog. Drop-down menus allow you to select specific locations and/or subjects.
  • To request research in material owned by the library, please submit a research request. The GSWC library is not open to the public, but if you have a quick research request for us to look at material in a book in our library, the Research Committee will be able to do that for you.
  • The Research Committee does limited research on Washtenaw County residents. Research is usually limited to materials available in the GSWC library. This includes:
    • ​Birth (1867-1913)
    • Marriage (1827-1912)
    • Death records (1867-1913)
    • Grantor/grantee land deed indexes (1827-1905)
    • Probate index
    • County, city, and town histories
    • Cemetery readings
    • Index of early newspapers
    • Early tax records and land records on microfilm
    • Washtenaw County plat maps for 1856, 1964, 1874, 1895, and 1915
    • GSWC Research Committee correspondence files
    • Family History Capers

Image of two men working in a storage room with packing boxes on shelving visible behind them
Dave Curtis (L) and Rob Steward (R) pack up at Hill Street in 2004 when the library was moved to Saline, where it remained until the summer of 2022. The GSWC Library currently is in a storage facility in Ann Arbor. The FamilySearch Center in Saline remains open with limited hours.

Wish List
  • Washtenaw County material that contains significant information of interest to the family researcher
  • Copies and transcriptions of Bible records, maintained by the GSWC Bible Record Committee
  • Pedigree charts for members, maintained by the Ancestor Chart Committee
  • Source material specific to the United States and foreign countries with some exceptions
The GSWC Library Will Not Accept
  • Published census records, which are readily available online
  • Material that is primarily historical in nature
  • Material that is specific to jurisdictions smaller than counties for states (other than Michigan) or the country of Canada
  • Material that is specific to a jurisdiction smaller than a province for other foreign countries
  • Family Bibles
  • Material in the following format:
    • Photocopied material that violates copyright
    • Periodicals or parts of multivolume sets except when we can use those volumes to fill a gap for a title already in the collection
    • CD, DVD, and VCR materials
    • Unbound, loose papers
    • Books that do not have intact bindings
    • Notebooks, scrapbooks or binders that that are not well organized and/or indexed
    • Photo albums and personal scrapbooks
    • Computer software
    • Pedigree charts, oversize familycharts that are not maintained by the Ancestor Chart Committee
    • Artifacts and ephemera
    • Most large, multi-volume sets even if complete (due to lack of shelf space)
If you are thinking of donating materials, please read our GSWC Library Collection Policy and GSWC Guidelines for Donations of Library Materials & Funds. If you have any further questions, please contact us via our Web Contact Form.
1/22/23 SLB 3/24/24 JT, 10/27/24 JT