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View Record  977.435/W Freedom township scrapbook
View Record  977.435 Freedom Berg Freedom Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan : the early days : celebrating our 175th anniversary, September 2009 Berg, Raymond M.
View Record  929.2 Mast Mast Friedrich Ferdinand Gottlob Mast : journal of his voyage from Germany to Michigan, 1847, translation by Mrs. Ruth Binhammer Lauterwasser, with a short history of his descendants in Washtenaw County, Michigan by Norma McAllister, Edited by James B. Parker. Mast, Freidrich Ferdinant Gottlob
View Record  977.435/A/GSWC Genealogical society of Washtenaw county Michigan program notes
View Record  977.435/A/GSWC Genealogical society of Washtenaw county, Michigan board minutes 1981-2005 Genealogical Society of Washtenaw County, Michigan , Inc.
View Record  016.929/University of Michigan/Callard Genealogy: a guide to family history resources at the Harlan Hatcher graduate library, the University of Michigan Callard, Don
View Record  977.435/Ypsilanti Helen Walker McAndrew: Ypsilanti's lady frontier doctor McAndrew, William Jr.
View Record  977.435/Manchester/Angus Heritage of Manchester, Michigan: the biography of a town Angus, Esther W.
View Record  977.435 Ann Arbor Historic Historic buildings Ann Arbor, Michigan
View Record  977.435 Ann Arbor Reade Historic buildings Ann Arbor, Michigan by Marjorie Reade and Susan Wineberg Reade, Marjorie
View Record  977.435/A/Fuller Historic Michigan land of the great lakes: its life, resources, industries, people, politics, government, wars, institutions, achievements, the press, schools, and churches, legendary and prehistoric lore volume III devoted to Washtenaw county Fuller, George N., A.M., Ph.D. editor
View Record  977.435/Superior/History History and Index of Burials United Memorial Gardens 1929-1954 Superior Township Washtenaw County, Michigan Williams, Karl compiler
View Record  977.435/Superior/Williams History and known burials of cross cemetery: a small abandoned pioneer cemetery Superior township Washtenaw county Michigan Williams, Karl
View Record  977.435 Ann Arbor Marsh History of Ann Arbor's Co. A 31st Michigan Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish American War 1898-1899 Marsh, Nicholas
View Record  977.435/Manchester/English History of Manchester Township (Washtenaw County, Michigan) English, Annetta
View Record  977.435/Salem History of Salem township, Washtenaw county Michigan: with index by Al Smitley
View Record  977.435 Ann Arbor History History of the First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor, Michigan 1826-1978 TenBrook, Andrew, Helen Beman, Ruth Johnson, Jean Kulibert
View Record  977.435 Ann Arbor History History of the first congregational church in Ann Arbor 1847-1976
View Record  977.435/A/Herter History of the German settlers in Washtenaw county 1830 to 1930 Herter, Dale and Terry Stollsteimer
View Record  977.435/Dexter/Gilbert History of the North Lake area: Dexter township Washtenaw county Michigan Gilbert, Sylvia
View Record  977.435/Manchester/History History of the Sharon United Methodist Church Manchester, Washtenaw co., Michigan 1874-1999
View Record  977.435/A/Chapman 1881 History of Washtenaw county, Michigan
View Record  977.435/A/Chapman 1990/V 1&2 History of Washtenaw county, Michigan
View Record  977.435/York/History 1965 History of York Baptist church 1965-1977
View Record  977.435/York/History 1832 History of York Baptist church: Stony Creek & Platt roads Milan MI 1832-1965
View Record  977.435/york/milan Holdings of the local history and genealogy department of the Milan public library
View Record  977.435 Dexter Wise Hudson Mills Cemetery, Dexter Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan Wise, Kevin D., project leader
View Record  977.435/Northfield/I Remember I remember...: memories of St. John's ev. Lutheran church 1869-1994
View Record  977.435 Ann Arbor Shackman Images of America: Ann Arbor in the 20th Century a photographic history Shackman, Grace
View Record  977.435 Saline Kosky Images of America: Saline Kosky, Susan
View Record  977.435/Saline/In In Commemoration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Building of St. Paul Church in 1907 and Dedicated to the Glory of God December 15 1907.
View Record  977.435/Saline/In In Commemoration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Building of St. Paul Church in St. Paul in 1907 and Dedicated to the Glory of God December 15, 1907
View Record  977.435/Dau Index 1894 Census, Washtenaw County, Michigan Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter, DAR
View Record  977.435 Salem Index Index and burial permits in possession of Salem Grove Cemetery dating from 1931
View Record  977.435/Flo Index and GSR of the Highland Cemetery, River Street, Ypsilanti, Michigan to 29 September 1942 Flower, David Strong
View Record  977.435/Superior/Indexes Index Registers of Death 1911-1952 Superior Township Williams, Karl compiler
View Record  977.435/Doll vol. 1 and vol. 2 Index to (Ann Arbor) State Journal and (Ann Arbor) Michigan State Journal September 10, 1835-March 17, 1847. Vol. 1 A-K; vol. 2 M-Z. Doll, Louis William & Kenneth Croft
View Record  977.435/Superior Index to 20 land abstracts of Superior township Williams, Karl, compiler
View Record  977.435 Ann Arbor Christman Index to Adam Christman's Ann Arbor: the changing scene Stamelos, Ellen compiler
View Record  977.435 Ann Arbor Shackman Index to Grace Shackman's Ann Arbor in the 19th century, a photographic history Stamelos, Ellen compiler
View Record  977.435/Saline/Dikeman Index to images of America Saline (MI) Dikeman, Agnes
View Record  977.435/Saline/Dikeman Index to images of America Saline (MI) Dikeman, Agnes
View Record  977.435 Ann Arbor Stamelos Index to O.W. Stephenson's Ann Arbor, the first hundred years Stamelos, Ellen
View Record  977.435/Doll Index to the Democratic Herald September 18, 1839-December 28, 1842 Doll, Louis W.
View Record  977.435/Doll Index to The Michigan Argus February 12, 1835-July 25, 1839 Doll, Louis William
View Record  977.435/Ypsilanti/Colburn/Index Index to the story of Ypsilanti written by Harvey C. Colburn for the centennial celebration of the founding of the city in cooperation with the committe on history White, Louis
View Record  977.435/Doll Index to the Western Immigrant, The Emigrant, The Michigan Emigrant, The Michigan Whig and The Michigan Whig and Washtenaw Democrat-November 18, 1829-September 3, 1835 Doll, Louis William
View Record  977.435/Webster/Stamelos Index to Webster: a time, a place, a people Stamelos, Ellen
View Record  977.435/Webster/Stamelos Index to Webster: a time, a place, a people Stamelos, Ellen
View Record  977.435/Lodi/Cemeteries Inscriptions of Lodi cemetery: Lodi township Washtenaw county, Michigan Genealogical Society of Washtenaw County, Michigan, Inc
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Records: 101 to 150 of 290