Index to Old West Side, Ann Arbor, Mich.
by Richard G. Wilson, Edward J. Vaughn, Mrs. George E. Downing,
(Ann Arbor: The Old West Side Association, 1971, 86 pgs.)
Indexed by Sharon L. Brevoort, 2003
This booklet, created by the Old West Side Association, explores the neighborhood's total environment in terms of its "character, amenities, and other features." It includes some history, several maps, photographs by Eck Stanger, Edward J. Vaughn, and Patrick Mullaly, and many architectural drawings of residences in this area by Milton Kemnitz. Most of the structures in "Old German Town" date from 1850-1914. Later structures in adjacent areas date mostly from the 1920s through the 1960s. The Old West Side, Ann Arbor, Michigan can be found at the Ann Arbor District Library (call number R977.435 An).
Note: Names are indicated in bold letters. Section titles and books are indicated in italics, chapters in bold italics.
Additions, 65
aerial drawing of Ann Arbor in 1880, 14
aerial photograph of Ann Arbor, 2-3
aerial photograph of the Old West Side, 12
Allen's Creek, 22, 79
Allen, John, 4, 22, 25, 82
Allmendinger Organ Works, 41
Allmendinger Park, 30
American picturesque style, 46
Ann Arbor, foreword, 1, 4, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 42, 44,
73, 79, 80-81
Ann Arbor Area Foundation, foreword
Ann Arbor Bank, foreword
Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, 82
Ann Arbor City Hall, 82
Ann Arbor City Planning Commission, 79, 81
Ann Arbor City Planning Department, 83
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre building, 44, 57
Ann Arbor Federal Savings, foreword
Ann Arbor Historical Commission, 80
Ann Arbor historical growth figures, 83
Ann Arbor News, 80
Ann Arbor Railroad, 6, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 30
Ann Arbor Railroad depot, 15 drawing, 42
Ann Arbor: The First Hundred Years, book, 82, 85
Ann Arbor Trust, foreword
Ann Arbor Yesterdays, book, 82, 85
Annarbour, 4
Ann's Amazing Arbor, book, 85
Appendix, 75-86
Arbor A building, 42
The Architecture of Country Houses, book, 63
Argus Optics building, 42
Ashley Street, 10, 15, 24, 26, 30, 80
-- 416 South Ashley, Depot House, 42
Bach Elementary School, 44 photo, 80
Bach Elementary School playground, 30, 80
Back Bay Residential District Guidelines, book, 82, 85
balloon frame construction, 65
Bennett, Francis, author, 85
Berry's Red Barn, 42
Bibliography, 85
Bidlack, Russel E., author, 82, 85
Block Survey form, 76-77
Bracket villa style, 8
brewery, 15
Britton, Bert, board of directors, foreword
Building Permits Issued, Old West Side: 1960's, 84
Bullock, Orin, author, 85
Carey, Charles J., board of directors, foreword
Carpenter, Arthur E., board of directors, foreword
"carpenter's delight" style, 46
cast iron fence, 29
churches, 4, 15, 44
The Churches of Ann Arbor, manuscript, 85
The City / The Neighborhood, 2-20
City Administration, 80
City Assessor's plat maps, 77
City Council, 80
City County Data Book, book, 82
City of Ann Arbor, 4, 12, 25, 26, 28, 33, 44, 57, 61,
65, 77, 80, 81
City of Ann Arbor buildings, 44, 57
Chapin Street, 8, 15
Chrysler Instrument building, 42
College Hill: A Demonstration Study of Historic
Area Renewal, book, 85
Colonial revival style, 46
Color, 65
Commercial / Industrial, 41-43
Concentrated Code Enforcement Program, 28, 65, 80
Crandell, Alger B., author, 85
Crest Street, 6, 12, 18, 19
"cultural center of the Midwest," 4
Dearborn, Michigan, 4
Department of Landscape Architecture, UM, 77, 80
Department of Natural Resources, Michigan, 80
The Depot House, 15 drawing, 42
Detroit, Michigan, 4
Doors, 66
Doster, Harold, board of directors, foreword
Downing, A., author, 85
Downing, Alexander Jackson, author, 63
Downing, Mrs. George E., HTHP, foreword, 75, 80
Dr. Dell Henry House, 16
Duff, Lela, author, 82, 85
Eber White House, 8
Eber White/Eberwhite Street/area, 12, 19
Eberwhite School, 30
Eighth Street, 6
Enkemann, Caspar M., board of directors, foreword
Environmental Survey of Old West Side, 80
Everts & Stewart, publishers, 16
factory buildings, 1
fences, 29
Field Services Grant, NTHP, 80
fire plugs, 1, 28
Fifth Street, 30
First German Methodist Episcopal Church, 44
First Street, 10, 15, 24, 25, 26, 79
Fourth Street, 15, 41
Free Methodist Church, 44
Georgian Revival style, 46
German residents, 4, 15, 17, 54, 65, 73
Gilded Efa, 46
glacial moraine geology, 22
Gothic period/revival/style, 8, 44, 46
Gott House, 8
Greenways Program, 28, 80
Grossman, Christopher, architect, 63
Hafner, Bill L., board of directors, foreword
Hafner, William, economic planner, 75
Hathaway, John R., city councilman, 79-81
Heldreth, William V., board of directors, foreword
Henry, Dr. Dell, 15
Historic American Buildings Survey, book, 85
Historic Building Survey form, 76-77
History of Earliest Ann Arbor, book, 85
History of the Old West Side, 14-17
History of the Old West Side Association, 78-81
hitching posts, 28
Holdren, Mary Anderson, board of directors, foreword
house renumbering, 15
household income, 4
How to Maintain Your Trim..., book, 85
Huber, Robert T., board of directors, foreword
Huntington, David, UM History of Art Dept., 75
Huron River, 4
Huron Street, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 24, 33, 44, 46, 63
-- 420 West Huron, St. Pauls Church, 44
-- 709 West Huron, Martha Washington House, 8
-- 1020 West Huron, Wheeler House, 8, 63
Huron Valley National Bank, foreword
Individual Homes, 46-56
Information Control Systems building, 42
Interiors, 65
Introduction, 1
iron works, 15
Italian Bracket Villas, 46, 63 drawing, 72
Italianate revival architecture, 44
Ivory, Mel, board of directors, foreword
Jefferson Street, 30, 79
-- 520 West Jefferson, Latter Day Saints Church, 44
"John Allen and the Founding of Ann Arbor, 82, 85
Johnson, Johnson & Roy, Inc., foreword
Kerrytown, 79
Kimball, Fiske, author, 85
Koch Avenue, 6, 12, 19, 25
Koch family in 1906, 17 photo
Koch, Harold H., board of directors, foreword
Krause, F., C.E., mapmaker, 16
Kuhn, Mrs. Sherman, board of directors, foreword
LaMore, Chet, board of directors, foreword
Landscape, 29-32
Liberty Street, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 46
-- 1444 West Liberty, Dr. Dell Henry House, 15
-- 1444 West Liberty, Eber White House, 8
Lloyd, Gordon W., architect, 63
lot sizes, 6
Low Income Housing project, 44
Madison Street, 6, 24, 30, 33, 79
Main Street, 6, 12, 17, 19, 24, 33, 42
-- 637 South Main, 42
-- 1006 South Main, Italian Villa, 63 drawing
mansard style, 46
manufacturers, 4
map of Ann Arbor, 5
map of Ann Arbor ca 1875, plat, 16
map of commercial/industrial properties, 41
map of historic district, 12
map of multi-family dwellings, 10
map of Old West Side, existing, 6
map of Old West Side, historic & recommended, 7, 19
map of public and semi-public structures, 30
map of typical/unique properties, 8
map of zoning districts, 11
Martha Washington House, 8, 9 drawing
Marzolf, Kingsbury, UM Dept. of Architecture, 75
Maynard, William S., 15
Memories of Old Ann Arbor Town, book, 85
Methodology, 75-77
Michigan Historical Collections, 17, 82, 85
Michigan State Legislature, 61
Miller, Gerald G., board of directors, foreword
Miller Street, 42
Miller-Main building, 42
Mosley Street, 24, 25, 33
Mulholland Street, 25, 44, 54
multi-family buildings, 10, 40, 57
Multiple Apartment Buildings, 40, 4, 18
Murray Court, 25
Murray Avenue, 54, 55 photo
-- Low Income Housing project, 44
National Bank and Trust, foreword
National Guideline, 61
National Preservation Legislation, 61
National Register of Historic Places, 12, 19, 36, 75
The National Register of Historic Places, book, 85
National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP),
foreword, 80-81, 85
The Neighborhood, 6-13
neighborhood defined, 1
neo-Gothic style, 44
New England origin, 4, 67
New England style, 46
Norman architecture, 44
Notes, 82
occupations, 4
Old American Houses and How to Restore Them, book, 85
"Old German Town," 6, 15
"The Old Houses of Ann Arbor," article, 85
The Old West Side, foreword, 1, 4-5, 8, 12, 15, 17-19,
22, 24-26, 28, 30, 33, 36, 38, 40-42, 44, 46, 54, 61,
65-67, 72-73, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81
Old West Side Association, preface, foreword, 36, 40,
61, 68, 72, 79-80
Old West Side Newsletter, 80
one-way streets, 24, 33
organ factory, 15
Outbuildings, 68-69
Parking, 26-27, 33, 40
parks and play areas, 30, 33
Pauline Street, 6, 12, 18, 19, 22, 24
Perkins, Dwight, Chicago designer, 44
Population, 18, 4, 83
Porches, Columns & Steps, 66
Preserving Historic America, book, 85
Principles of Preservation & Restoration, 58-69
Providence City Planning Commission, author, 85
Public & Semi-Public Buildings, 44-45
Queen Anne style, 46
Recommendations, 19, 33, 57
Recording Historic Buildings, book, 85
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints, 44, 45 drawing
A report on Principles and Guidelines for Historic
Preservation in the United States, book, 85
"research center of the Midwest," 4
"residential park," 12
The Restoration Manual, book, 85
Romanesque style, 46
Roy, Clarence, board of directors, foreword, 75
Rumsey, Elisha W., 4
St. Paul's Missionary Baptist Church, 44
Second Street, 8, 10, 15, 38, 39
-- 454 Second Street, 38, 39
Seventh Street, 6, 12, 18, 19, 24, 30, 33
Siding, 65
Signs, 68
Slauson Junior High School, 30, 44
Smith, Hinchman & Grylls Associates, Inc., foreword
Smith, Mrs. Peter, board of directors, foreword
Soule Street, 6
State Enabling Act for Historic Preservation, 61
State of Michigan, 12, 19
Stevenson, O. W., author, 82, 85
stick style, 46
Street Car Suburbs, book, 82
Street Furniture, 28
street lights, 28, 33
street renaming, 15
street signs, 28, 33
Streetscape, 25
Streetscape / Landscape, 20-33
Structure, 65
Structures, 34-57
Summary, 70-86
Sturgis, S., author, 85
Survey of Architectural History in Cambridge;
Report One: East Cambridge, book, 85
Table 1: Ann Arbor Historical Growth Figures, 83
Table 2: Building Permits Issued in the Old West Side
Area: 1960's, 84
Third Street, 8, 10, 15, 25
topography, 22
Traffic, 24
tree-lined streets, 25, 33, 46
Tudor style, 46
underground cables, 28, 33
United States Census, 1960, 82
United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development, author, 85
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service, author, 85
University of Michigan, foreword, 4, 17, 18, 26,
61, 73, 79, 80, 81, 85
University of Michigan warehouse/office buildings,
41, 43 photo, 57
Utility Equipment, 68
utility poles, 28, 33
Van Der Werker, N. I. S., author, 85
Vaughn, Edward J., student, survey, 75, 80
Victorian style, 36, 38, 72
wagon making shop, 15
Warner Jr., S. B., author, 82
Washington, Martha, 8, 9
Washington Street, 6, 22, 24, 30, 33, 44
-- 700-800 block West Washington, 44
Washtenaw County, 4
Washtenaw Intermediate School District building, 41
Water Works playlot, 30
Wheeler, John M., residence, 8, 63 photo
White, Eber, 8, 15
William, Henry L., author, 85
William S. Maynard tract, 15
William Street, 8, 15, 24, 26, 33, 41
Wilson, Richard G., student, survey, 75, 80
Windows, 67
wood fence, 29
wood ornamentation, 54
Worcester Square Booklets, author, 85
wrought iron fence, 29
Wurster Park, 22, 25, 30, 31 drawing, 32 photo
Updated 1/23/23 SLB