Index to Early Ann Arbor and Its People
Virginia Ryan, Betty Springfield, Coleman Jewett, Leonard Hoag
(Ann Arbor: Ann Arbor Instrument Works, 1974, 32 pgs.)
Indexed by Sharon L. Brevoort, 2003
This overview of Ann Arbor history was written for grade-school children and highlights the various groups of people who settled here. Copies can be found at the Ann Arbor District Library (call number R977.435 An), and at the GSWC/LDS Library (977.435 An E).
- Names of local residents are indicated in bold letters.
- Chapter titles are indicated in italics.
- An 'a' or 'b' after a page number indicates an unpaginated map or illustration.
Adrian, 7
Algonquin Indians, 2, 3, 5
Allen, Ann, 16
Allen, John, 9-11, 13-19, 22-24
Allen's Creek, 13-14, 18
Allmendinger family, 24
Ann Arbor, 1, 3, 5- 8, 10, 16-27, 29-31
Ann Arbor Academy, 20
Ann Arbor Becomes a City, 29
Ann Arbor Historical Commission, 29-30
Ann Arbor Historical Foundation, 31
Ann Arbor Land Company, 26
Ann Arbor News, 23
Ann Arbor Railroad, 14, 24
Ann Street, 14-15
Ann's Arbor, 16
Ann's Town, 16
Ann's Village, 16
Annapolis, 16
Auch family, 24
Baptist Church, 22-24
Beckley house, 22a illust.
Beckley, Rev. Guy, 21
Bennett, Henry D., 30
Bethlehem Cemetery, 25
Black Law, 8, 20
block house, 17, 19
Bloody Corners (Main & Huron), 19
Booth, Nelson, 31
Bowery Street (now Lawrence), 14
Bresler, Charles,25
Broadway Street, 22-23
Broadway bridge, 5, 22
Brooks, John, 8
Brown, Anson, 22-23
Buffalo, New York, 18
Buhr Park, 30-31
Camp River Trail, 3a map
Campbell, William, 31
Camping Out and Building a Cabin, 10-12
Canada, 7
Canal Street, 22
Catherine Street, 14
census, 30
The Chain Into Michigan, 7-10
Cheboygan Trail, 3a map
Chicago, 2, 8
Chicago River, 8
Chief Little Turtle (Miami), 3
Chief Okemos, 21
Chippewa tribe, 3, 5
Civil War, 7, 9
The Coming of the Germans, 24-25
corduroy roads, 28
county seat, 14
court house, 14-15
Court House Square, 27
Daily Life, 28-29
Day, Silas, 8
De Baptiste Pointe Du Sable, Jean, 7- 8
Detroi, 1-2, 7-10, 13, 16, 18-20, 23, 26-27
Detroit River, 3
Dexter, 3, 6a illust.
Division Street, 13, 23, 28, 30
Duke, Walter, 8
Early Jewish Settlers, 25-26
Episcopalians, 24
Erie Canal, 18
Fairview Cemetery, 22
farming, 12 illust.
Fifth Street, 13, 20
The First Census, 20-21
The First School, 19-20
First Street, 13
Fletcher Street, 25
flour mill, 18-19, 22
Forrest Hill Cemetery, 26
Ft. Mackinac, 1
Ft. Malden, 2
Foster, Theodore, 21
Fourth Street, 13, 15
Freeman, John, 8
French explorers, 5, 6b illus.
Fuller, Edward L., 22-23
German churches, 24-25
Germans, 10, 22b illust., 24
Governor Cass, 14
Grand River, 8
Grand River Trail, 3a map
Green Bay - Sault Trail, 3a map
Gross family, 24
Hardy, Henry, 20
Haviland, Laura Smith, 7
Hill-Toppers, 23
Horning family, 24
house raising, 13 illust.
How Ann Arbor Churches Got Started, 23-24
Hudson River, 18
Huron River, 5, 9, 13, 15, 22-23
Huron Street, 11, 13-17, 23, 25
Huron tribe, 2
Hussey, Erastus, 8
Improvements, 18
Indian trails, 1-3, 6a, 7, 9
Indian Life in Washtenaw, 4-5
Indian Tribes of Our County, 2-4
The Indians Became Fewer, 21
Iroquois Indians, 3
Jackson, Andrew, 31
Jackson Road, 25
jail, 15
Jail Square, 20
Jefferson Street, 14
Jewish settlers, 25
Kaw-goosh - kaw'nick, 18
Kempf, Mr. & Mrs. Reuben, 30
Kempf House, 30
Kingsley Street, 14
La Salle (explorer), 5
Lac Vieux Desert Trail, 3
Lake Erie, 18
Lake Michigan, 3
Lake Superior, 3
Lawrence Street, 14
Liberty Street, 3, 13, 20
Lincoln, Abraham, 31
Lower Town (Ann Arbor), 22-23
Mackinac Trail, 3a map
Madison Street, 14
Maiden Lane, 22
Main Street, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23, 27-28
Main Street Party Store, 19
Mann, Jonathan, 24
Manual Labor School, 20
Mapping the Village, 13-14
Early Indian Trails, 3a map
Expressways Today, 3b map
Marquette Trail, 3a map
Mason Hall, 26
Massachusetts, 6
Methodists, 24
Miami tribe, 3
Mills, Harriet (Parsons), 20
Mills, Lorrin, 20
Mohican tribe, 5
Monroe, Miss (teacher), 19-20
New France, 5
New People Come, 5-6
The New Village Becomes the County Seat, 14-15
New York, 6, 8-10
New York City, 22
newspaper, 21
North Street (now Kingsley), 14
Ojibway tribe, 3
Old campus, 26
Old Mackinac Trail, 3a map
Old Sauk Trail, 3, 3a map, 9
Ontario, 2, 8
New England, 10
New York, 8, 18
North Carolina, 6
Parsons, Miss Harriet (teacher), 20
Paul family, 24
plank roads, 28
plat, 13
Pontiac Trail, 7, 21, 22a illust.
Post Office, 23
Potawatomi tribe, 3, 5, 7
Preketes brothers, 26
Presbyterian Church, 23
Quaker, 7, 8
railroad, 16, 22-23, 27-28
The Railroad Comes to Town, 27-28
Ray, Asher, 8
Ray, Jacob, 8
Ray, Jacob A., 20
Roman Catholics, 24
Roosevelt, Theodore, 31
Rumsey, Elisha Walker, 9-16, 22, 24
Rumsey, Mary Ann, 10-12, 16
Saginaw Trail, 3a map
St. Ignace, 1
St. Joseph, 2
St. Joseph Trail, 3, 3a map
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 27
Saline, 3-4
Saline River, 4
Sauk Trail, 3, 3a map, 9
sawmill, 18
Schilling family, 24
Schmid, Friedrich, 24
school house, 19
Scio Church Road, 25
Second Street, 13
The Second Year, 18-19
The Settlement Gets a Name, 15-16
Shiawassee Trail, 3a map
Shore Trail, 3a map
salt springs, 3-4
South Carolina, 6
Staebler family, 24
State House Square, 26
State Street, 26-27
Stollsteimer family, 24
The Story of Lower Town, 22-23
Sunday School class, 20
surveyor, 13
Tappan Oak, 26
Third Street (now Main), 13, 17, 19
Ticknor, Dr. Benajah, 30-31
Ticknor-Campbell House, 30-31
Trails of Michigan, 2
Two Historical Houses, 29-31
The Underground Railroad, 6- 8, 18
U.S. Route 112, 2
U.S. Route 12, 2
University Hall, 30
University of Michigan, 26, 30
The University Comes to Town, 26-27
The Village Grows, 16-18
Virginia, 6, 9, 14
Wall Street, 22-23
War of 1812, 8
Washington Street, 13, 20
Washtenaw Avenue, 25
Washtenaw County, 4, 8, 9, 21, 25
Washtenaw Historical Society, 31
Weil, Solomon, 25
West Park, 3, 6a illus.
What Was It Like to be a Pioneer in Ann Arbor?, 10
William Street, 14, 24
Woodruff family, 9
Woodruff's Grove, 9, 11
Wyandot tribe, 3
Ypsilanti, 6, 9, 20, 24, 25
Updated 1/23/23 SLB