Cottonwood Farm & John Williams Family Cemetery (Webster Township) Farrell Road east of Webster Church Road Dexter, Washtenaw, Michigan 48130
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Family History Capers 5(3):64 “Williams Family Cemetery, Also Known as Cottonwood Farm Cemetery"
Family History Capers 5(3):81 “John Williams Cemetery"
Findagrave - Williams Cemetery, also known as Cottonwood Farm Cemetery. On the north side of Farrell Road, 0.2 mile west of Webster Church Road, in the northwest corner of the yard of a house adjoining Cottonwood Farm house at 4580 Farrell Road. East half of Section 27.
Findagrave - John Williams Family Cemetery. On a hill on the south side of Farrell Road 0.5 mile west of Webster Corners on a farm. There are steps up to a small fenced enclosure which has three stones. South half of Section 27.
See also, Washtenaw Impressions, October 1989, page 3 – May Kleinschmidt Mast is quoted as saying that John Williams came to Webster in about 1826 from the east and took up 1,000 acres. He divided it aong four sons. Jeremiah got Cottonwood Farm, another John Williams got where the church is, and a third son was on Zeeb Road.
The first John Williams is buried on a hill to the west with his wife and mother. Jeremiah and some other Williams family members are buried in a corner of the Cottonwood Farm yard. |